Joanna Nakabiito ”The rising need for peace education in Uganda”

onsdag 4 november 2020 12:00-13:00, Zoom
2020 11 11   Föredrag
Joanna Nakabiito - Joanna är vår Peace Fellow från Uganda. Hon kommer att berätta om sig själv, sin bakgrund och sina mål med utbildningen - och om hur det är att komma till Uppsala mitt i pandemin. 
”The rising need for peace education in Uganda”.
 Joanna shares her experiences in the peace and security sector, her motivation for participating in the Rotary Peace Fellowship Programme, and her career intentions following her course of study.Joanna is a previous Programme Specialist for Peace at the Inter-Religious Council of Uganda. Some of her experiences include preventing violent extremism, nation-building, and research. Joanna is also a peace education activist through her podcast “The Peace Pod”, and is the founder and Executive Director of Building Safe Spaces (BLISS), a center for violence prevention in Uganda".
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